“It’s all about color and contrast, line and design; it’s all about celebrating the infinite manifestation of our world: subtle transitions, acrimonious juxtapositions, positive and negative spaces, fluidity and stasis and; it’s about balance, walking the razors edge.”
Zelime graduated with a degree in art history from Hollins University. She attributes her eclectic art to countless hours spent in museums, cathedrals and countrysides. Her first employer, friend and mentor, Janet Shook, noted San Antonio watercolorist and needlepoint designer, gave Zelime her knowledge and experience and the confidence to embark on any art project from easel painting to the design of a 23 foot needlepoint tapestry at the southwest school of art and craft to the execution of a 76 square foot ceramic table. Although born with a spirit of adventure Zelime is an 11th generation San Antonian. She lives with her husband, 2 dogs, a studio cat and visiting raccoons. Next to a sunrise or to a blank canvas, her family and many friends are her greatest joy.